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The digital economy’s growth in Southeast Asia is spurring significant investments in digital infrastructure, reshaping the data center sector. This evolution demands that operators and investors adapt to new trends and changing stakeholder expectations.

Generative AI and data center demands

The emergence of generative AI is creating a surge in computing resource demands. Data centers now face the challenge of supporting higher rack densities and managing the heat generated by AI workloads, leading to a shift in their design and location.

Localization of data centers

Traditionally concentrated in major economic hubs, data centers are increasingly becoming localized to be closer to end-users, especially in tier-two and tier-three cities. This trend caters to the diverse needs of cloud operators, content and gaming companies, and other enterprises.

Retail colocation business models

In Southeast Asia’s retail colocation market, diverse business models reflect the unique requirements of different customer segments. Local operators focus on leveraging their connections, while regional platforms emphasize innovation and premium services.

Sustainability and ESG

Sustainability and ESG concerns are gaining prominence, especially among hyperscaler customers. These factors are now critical in evaluating data center operators, influencing investment decisions and the emergence of green funding avenues.

Emerging cooling technologies

New cooling technologies, such as immersion cooling, are set to disrupt traditional data center models. These innovations are essential for managing the heat from AI workloads and could lower entry barriers for new operators.

Data centers are foundational to the digital economy in Southeast Asia. Their ability to adapt and evolve in response to these trends is crucial for sustainable growth. For companies like GreenBay, which specialize in building data centers, understanding and aligning with these trends is key to staying ahead in this dynamic sector.